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Bidding a Fond ‘Ever After’ – C2 Senior Prom 2021

Written by: Lim Ye Xue (21S65) and See Suen Ning (21S66)

C2 Senior Prom 2021 Poster

With the theme “Ever After” this year, the Students’ Council planned a spectacular night of joy and laughter for our beloved C2s who had just run their A-Levels’ marathon. Held on 3rd December 2021 from 7 to 9pm, this final event was a fantastic day to remember for the C2s. Due to the pandemic, physical activities were substituted by a “virtual” prom night instead.

Hoping that all graduating seniors would create their own “Happily Ever After”, the Students’ Council assembled a night of lively activities for an unforgettable time. This included a YouTube livestream with an array of fascinating performances and a captivating escape room, involving an exciting theme where a protagonist had to decipher clues to escape from his evil grandmother. Of course, there was also the “Prom Magazine”, an annual publication that should be familiar to all. Besides class and CCA pages, this year’s version comprised of a novel segment “Hwa Chong statistics” that collated data such as the “average number of hours spent studying by a C2”, and so forth.

Due to the ever-fluctuating COVID-19 restrictions, Chong El Sa (Prom IC) admitted that the planning of Prom Night 2021 was certainly not smooth-sailing. Initially, the councillors were keen on seeking outdoor plans, but mid-September restrictions put an end to that scheme. The halting of CCA sessions also ceased the preparation of physical decorations in school. Nevertheless, the planning committee gave their all to make the night an extraordinary one for the seniors. Therefore, Student Council arranged an interactive and entertaining livestream, which was exceptionally challenging to carry out.

Keagan So (20S73) said that he truly enjoyed the night of fun and company, as he and his friends found a chance to meet up and look stylish in their formal attire. Another senior, Nicholas Lau (20S62), revealed that he loved the pre-recorded performances and they did not fail to blow his mind. Now, that sounds like the C2s indeed enjoyed this night of theirs. The school wishes them all the best in their future endeavours, and may their aspirations soar high!

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