Written by: Foo Wei Ting Ember (22A15), Reyess Peh Qi Xun (22A15)
Photos by: Studio Ardent

Raising Our Flags in Celebration
A sea of red fabric, the fluttering of the country's flags along the corridors, the nostalgic national songs blasting through the speakers. Indeed, This is the one day every year when patriotism is at its peak - 9 August, National Day.
During the annual National Day Celebration in Hwa Chong Institution at the College Section, teachers and student leaders meticulously put together an amazing concert for all to enjoy. The J2s watched the performances live, while the J1s viewed them from the comfort of their classrooms.
This year's concert was definitely stunning and unforgettable, with a diverse range of performances from Wushu to Band and Choir. There were also other memorable segments such as the SODACHE committee singing the 2022 National Day song "Stronger Together" as well as the Students' National Education Council giving out nostalgic old school snacks, such as animal Pola crackers and jam biscuits.
One of the highlights of the concert was the iconic MAD Street dance performance. Decked in stylish red and white outfits, ranging from vintage bomber jackets to patterned bandanas, the MAD dancers dominated the stage with their groovy and in-sync moves, and intricate floorwork, embodying the spirit of National Day, while demonstrating their passion for dance. To execute such a complicated routine, the dancers definitely needed to have teamwork and coordination, just like how Singaporeans are bonded and help each other out in our daily lives.

Joyous Dance Routine from MAD
Besides dancing, what would National Day be without the classic National Day songs? Through an innovative collaboration between a skit and various songs, the "Blue Balloon" club from Nanyang Girls High School presented us with an entertaining performance. Transcending through time from 1966 to 2016, the girls showcased the different National Day Performances throughout the years, while embedding a sweet romantic story of how the main character's mother met her father at a National Day Parade. The girls captured the attention of the audience by actively engaging with our seniors, who were swaying to the music and fervently singing good old tunes of "Stand Up for Singapore" and "Home".
The National Day celebration was definitely a memorable one this year, with such dazzling performances and camaraderie amongst students. Indeed, this festive occasion to commemorate our little red dot’s independence will always have a special place in our hearts. Till next year then, when the red banners are hung up again!

The Unmissable Medley of National Day Songs