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Artificial Intelligence for a Better Tomorrow - Inaugural Computing Forum

By Lo Tai Yi Linus (4A3/18)

The inaugural Computing Forum organised by Hwa Chong Institution (HCI) and The High School Affiliated to SUSTech (HSAS) was held on 26th and 27th November 2021.

本次论坛的主题是:“人工智能让明天更美好”(AI for a Better Tomorrow)。随着世界越来越发达,人工智能也在我们生活当中越来越普遍。人工智能有无限的潜能,是我们开启更美好未来的一把锁匙。因此,本次论坛的终止是要鼓励学生把所学的人工智能知识学以致用,建设美好的未来。

For this bilingual forum, students from HCI and HSAS formed eight groups and collaborated to create meaningful infographics on Covid-19 based on real time data.

冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 导致全世界巨大人命及经济损失,并对公共卫生、食品系统和工作带来前所未有的挑战。冠状病毒造成的经济和社会混乱对我们的影响远远超过我们的想象。

Based on the infographics and data visualisations generated, the students provided suggestions on how the government can better manage challenges posed by Covid-19, demonstrating the potential computing has in building a better future for humanity.

A total of eight groups were formed where each group consists of two students from HCI and HSAS. The students in each group collaborated and made use of coding skills to ‘clean up’ massive datasets and statistics on Covid-19. Websites and data visualisation tools such as Tableau were used to present their findings. This provides the user with an interactive interface and makes the dataset meaningful to the user. The eight groups presented their products during the forum and the professors and mentors from both schools provided insightful and invaluable feedback as well as areas for improvement on the students’ works and presentations.


Additionally, the keynote speech by Professor Yao Xin provided all participants with a better understanding of AI and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and enlightened all on the opportunities the AI presents for the future. The addresses by Mr Pang Choon How and Mdm Wang Pei Dong, Principles of HCI and HSAS respectively, underscored the importance of technology in our lives and paved the way for more collaborations and intellectual exchanges both schools can look forward to in the future.


The keynote speeches by Professor Yao Xin and the Question and Answer session by Mr Chew Shou Zi really broadened students’ view of the world of technology and Artificial Intelligence. The collaboration between HSAS and HCI is a demonstration that no man is an island because teamwork is key when carrying out online discussions and planning, which took place out of curriculum time, late into the night. This collaboration also allowed the participants to experience and appreciate the beauty of cultural diversity and the new perspectives it brings to the table.

To sum it all up, the forum was an excellent platform for students, teachers, as well as professors to exchange ideas, knowledge, and expertise; and also forge friendships that will last a long time.

从左起: 王佩东女士, 周受资先生, 彭俊豪校长


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