Written by: Goh Yu Le (21S79)
Photographs: Mr David Chong (Lecturer / Economics)

Mr. Chong Woon Tien David (Lecturer/Economics)
You have probably seen the acrylic mural at Block D when you enter the campus. What you might not have known is that it was actually painted by a Hwa Chong teacher. He is none other than Mr. David Chong (Lecture / Economics)!
Mr. Chong wears many hats: besides juggling his full-time job as a teacher with his obligation as a father of two, he still makes time to pursue his hobby of drawing.
“Although I loved doodling since I was young, it was only about the time of my son’s birth 12 years ago that I picked up drawing again.” Impressive art pieces have been created in the small pockets of time after Mr. Chong has put his children to sleep.
Mr. Chong has created many pieces that he is proud of. Whether it is using a pencil, ballpoint pen, iPad or acrylic paint, Mr. Chong never fails to produce the most splendid artistic creations. One of his most unforgettable pieces is a painting for a mother who lost her newborn baby to sickness. In Mr. Chong’s words, “The baby barely survived a few days, and the mother wrote to me on my Facebook art page to request that I draw her baby without the tubes, so she could imagine what she looked like.” This art piece stuck in Mr. Chong’s memories as it is testament to the meaning behind his drawing.
From copying Dragonball characters in primary school to selling digital artworks, Mr. Chong has definitely come a long way in his drawing journey. In this article, let’s take a look at some of the pieces inside Mr. Chong’s stunning portfolio!
“It takes baby steps to become a virtuoso in painting.” Mr. Chong advises all aspiring artists to build upon their fundamentals before trying out different art mediums.
Everyone only has 24 hours, and each time Mr. Chong makes a decision, he incurs an opportunity cost (an economic concept that Mr Chong would readily concur). As a father of two, Mr Chong has his own set of priorities. He may have a burning passion for drawing, but he will always put his family first and work hard in his job. However, he will not totally give up on drawing. Through the power of time management and perseverance, Mr Chong is a prime example of “Work-life balance”.
Note: Mr David Chong received the Outstanding Economics Teacher Award (OETA) at the Singapore Economic Policy Forum 2022. The award is given in recognition of economic tutors who have exhibited excellence in the teaching and learning of Economics.
Top Row from left to right:
i) Pencil Drawings by Mr Chong 26 Years Ago
ii) iPad Drawing by Mr Chong
iii) Ballpoint Pen Drawing by Mr Chong
Bottom Row from left to right:
iv) Pencil Drawing by Mr Chong
v) Acrylic Mural at Block D (taken before COVID)