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Journey of Cyberthonk – Cyberthon 2021

Written by: Peng Yi Xuan Tricia (21S61) and Goh Yu Le (21S79)

Photo by: Team Cyberthonk

Team Cyberthonk as They Received the Results

On 8th May 2021, Team Cyberthonk of Hwa Chong, comprising of Beh Chuen Yang (20S69), Wu Jiayang (20S7B), Chen Zerui (20S7D), and Zhao Zhongqi (20S7D), participated in Cyberthon 2021 and clinched the glorious overall championship.

Cyberthon, a Capture the Flag (CTF) competition, consists of elements of cybersecurity and data science. Our students were required to tackle challenges ranging from real-life hacking processes to data processing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the shortest time possible. The competition drove the team to think quickly on their feet and come up with optimal predictions using the power of data and computing.

As the team remarked, “the road to first is definitely not easy”. Team Cyberthonk faced fierce competition, especially from National University of Singapore High School of Math and Science and Anglo Chinese School (Independent). However, as the saying goes, “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”. Indeed, Team Cyberthonk truly demonstrated that they were not to be easily defeated by the obstacles they encountered. As Zerui shared, many challenges in the competition “contained twists that [the team] had not anticipated in [their] preparation”. Yet, the team remained determined and optimistic throughout the entire course of the competition. As a cohesive unit, they stayed calm and were flexible in adapting to different situations, which earned them their success in Cyberthon.

Given the short duration of the competition, speed was the key to success. Team Cyberthonk largely credited their victory to their training courses, which sharpened their skills and deepened their understanding of the competition. This consequently reduced their need for preparation time, which provided them with the winning edge. Team Cyberthonk also specially thanked their seniors, who “sparked their interest in cybersecurity and data science” and helped them “establish their current foundations in these fields”. They would also like to extend their appreciation to the competition organizers, who rendered valuable assistance and support to them throughout the entire process.

Overall, Team Cyberthonk’s active participation in this competition exhibits the Hwa Chong spirit of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, upholding the school’s value of 自强不息. We would like to acknowledge and congratulate the winning team for their achievements!

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