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Revisit the Fundamentals, Reimagine the Future: NYGH-HCI Ed Conference 2023

Written by: HCI Staff

Photos by: HCI Staff

Attendees Engaged in Lively Discussions at the Education Conference

Educators from Nanyang Girls' High School and Hwa Chong Institution congregated together this year to have a lively exchange of ideas on 15 Feb 2023 at NYGH. This was a long-awaited moment as the pandemic had shifted the proceedings online over the past couple of years. The in-person element prompted educators to be more forthcoming with their questions and engaged in their interactions.

The theme "Revisit the Fundamentals, Reimagine the Future" was a clear call for the teaching fraternity in reflecting upon the processes that have been transformed by Covid-19, and more urgently, technological advancement, and in particular, artificial intelligence. Yet, the values that form a firm foundation for both schools are still held fast, and indeed, been continuously imparted to the students.

Two keynote speakers laid the ground for much contemplation among the teaching staff, as they brought forth their vast experience and urged us to remain steadfast in our calling. Mrs Tan Chen Kee, Deputy Director-General of Education (Schools) and Director of Schools, spoke about the future of learning in the post-pandemic world. She argues that despite the avalanche of information available for the young, the educator is still central to learning by teaching their charges how to discern truth amidst a sea of plausible-sounding answers; be resilient in taking alternative paths and not be daunted by setbacks; and respect others' points of view and empathise with them.

Mrs Tan Chen Kee Receiving her Token of Appreciation from Mr Chan Kwok Leong, Deputy Principal (Studies)/HCI

Ms Yap Lay Bee, Group Director for Architecture and Urban Design, Urban Redevelopment Authority, led us through how the URA reimagined the way we live, work, learn and play in Singapore. Whilst Singapore is celebrated for its pragmatism, there is much scope for the imagination in making our home a better one for all. In particular, the URA is working on developing sustainable neighbourhoods with more amenities for residents and homes being multifunctional for us to live, work and learn in. Offices become social hubs and the Central Business District being transformed into a mixed-use downtown were among the fascinating vistas that can very likely be our near future. Teachers play pivotal roles to assist their students in embracing and leading this change for all.

Mrs Yap Lay Bee Delivering Her Keynote Address

After the speeches and a brief Question-and-Answer segment, various concurrent sessions and workshops were held to inform the attendees on the different innovations taking place on both campus. The diverse nature of these sessions included an interdisciplinary study on climate change, a neuroscientific discussion on linking Mozart's music to adolescent depression, applying game-based learning to character education, and many more. Break-out conversations were also conducted among different groups of teachers to discuss varied issues related to student well-being, assessment considerations, forms of pedagogies and others.

Enriching Learning through Playing a Game

The rich sharing and conversations that took place certainly provided much food for thought in both schools. While we refine our teaching approaches and gear up for another meaningful academic year, we look forward to 2024's edition of the Education Conference as a valuable platform for innovation and pedagogical excellence.

Meaningful Hands-On Activities to Make Our Own Product

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